Refreshing a brew

Reflecting this East Vancouver brewery's friendly and vibrant character, our rebrand combines neighbourhood motifs and graphic flavour profiles.

OTR Pale Ale

Cans were designed to fit the market lifestyles

OTR Kama Citra

Each background is carefully selected to represent the individual flavour profile

OTR Variety 1

The design system allows distinctive flavours in recognizable style

OTR Variety 2

Subtle nods to location and flavour are essential to the spirit of the brand

Incorporating a fun and friendly railway track graphic element, which playfully connects with the packaging barcode, we reimagined Off The Rail to connect with its physical environment.

The content section is contained in shapes that change from label to label, a modular approach ideal for varying content for individual brews. The subtle type styles relate to the varierty of beer, and the background/textures to the flavour profile.

Our goal was to retain current clientele, while attracting a younger market, with a cleaner, funkier design approach. Showing more of the silver packaging finish allows a stronger shelf presence against other micro breweries.

The Lager for example, has a very clean and smooth aesthetic (which conveys the taste profile), with a silver background and a pop of yellow in the middle section, while the Crazy Train IPA embeds graffiti art to represent the brewery’s hip East Vancouver location by artists’ studios and train tracks.

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