The entire concept of brand activation seems to be more trouble than it could possibly be worth, and many marketers actually end up even more confused after trying to implement a brand strategy. Not a good advertisement for branding in general.
And yet, the value of a powerful brand is evident. Shareholder value has been proven to increase in brand-led companies.
So what’s the secret?
There are two crucial sides to any successful brand – the strategic framework and the execution. Both must be given sufficient attention and investment if the brand is to gain traction. But one thing unites them: the brand idea.
The brand idea is the clarion call that expresses your brand precisely. It is at once clear, differentiated, inspiring and ownable.
Abraham Lincoln is quoted as having said, “If I had five minutes to chop down a tree, I’d spend the first three sharpening my axe.” If you have five days to develop a brand, I’d recommend spending the first three crafting your brand idea.
All of your business aspirations should be contained in your brand idea. So should your relevance to your market. But once created, it will be the lynchpin to your entire brand, ensuring clarity of communication and consistency of messaging.
The true power of any brand is its central brand idea – make sure you get yours right.